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Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 18 (last in the series)

Remember to whom the sea and all its creatures belong (Psalm 24:10).

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 17

Keep your eyes on the goal, at least from time to time, or you may end up zigzagging all over the ocean (or life). That’s very amusing when swimming with a companion to a certain landmark. Both of you tend to zigzag and cross each other’s path. In life and eternity not knowing where you are going or why can be more dangerous.

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 16

In everything give thanks- for a body that works (sort of), for eyes to see the magnificent underwater colours, for ears to hear the underwater sounds, for a brain to process it all, for such a relatively knee-safe way of getting exercise, for the feel of water on my skin, for friends with whom to enjoy the experience. (“In everything give thanks”: 1 Thessalonians 5 v18)

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 15

Don’t let fear stop you from trying new things. Many locals are too afraid of stone fish, sharks, lion fish, sea urchins and the water to set foot in the ocean. Thus they miss all its delights.

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 14

Don’t write anybody off. The “beach boys” here are generally not respected because they hassle tourists to buy products or services and may act as pimps or as go-betweens for drugs. However, last week I’d left my dogs tied at the beach when I was in the water. Friends saw them and sat down to greet the very happy dogs. A beach boy came hurrying up and told them to leave the dogs alone because they belonged to Mama Dawn and not to the people who’d stopped. How much we need to look for the good in people often considered unlovely!

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 13

Grab thinking and praying time during the dull moments of life, for example when swimming over sea-grass between coral patches. (But maybe I shouldn’t close my eyes too often or I’ll miss a stingray or turtle swimming by or get hit by a careless boat operator or kite-surfer. This anemone and friends were hiding in sea-grass too.)

Image  juvenile

Image papa

Image  mama

Find both humour and wonder in the world around you.  I look at the variety of wrasse, parrotfish and others and muse that not only did God create male and female with different colours and patterns, but He still had some creativity left over and often the juveniles in no way resemble the adults.  The photos are all of the Queen coris wrasse, taken here in Watamu during my daily swim-for-exercise sessions.

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 11

Can your favourite activity be used to benefit someone else? I love that some of my Watamu snorkeling photos, filed by location, will be used by a researcher who is compiling a fish list and photo-dictionary for the local marine park. Benjo is working with A Rocha, Kenya, Christians in Conservation. (

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 10

Give back when you can. I collect plastics and other rubbish along the beach and in the water. Some goes in the bin and some to recycling. Certain items like the rope in the photo goes to artist, Andrew McNaughton, who turns it into art. He pays per kilo for washed-up flip-flops, cigarette lighters, toothbrushes and rope and that money goes to pay school fees for local children. It’s win-win for the ocean and everyone involved. See

Life Lessons from Snorkeling no 9

Introduce friends and potential friends to the activity which is your passion. The photo is an old friend on board the Salama Marine Safaris’ dhow “Kasa” where we made new friends.